
« Bliss, Daniel Bliss, Edwin Munsell Bliss, Frederick Jones »

Bliss, Edwin Munsell

BLISS, EDWIN MUNSELL: Congregationalist; b. at Erzerum, Turkey, Sept. 12, 1848. He was educated at Robert College, Constantinople, High School, Springfield, Mass., Amherst College (B.A., 1871), and Yale Divinity School (B.D., 1877). He was assistant agent of the American Bible Society for the Levant in 1872–88 (excepting 1875–77, when he was completing his theological studies in America), and after his return to America in 1888 edited The Encyclopedia of Missions (New York, 1889–91) and was associate editor of The Independent in 1891–1901, He was an editorial writer on Harper's Weekly and The New York Times in 1901-02, and was field secretary of the American Tract Society for New England in 1903-04. He was then pastor of the Congregational church at Sanford, Fla., in 1904-05, and general secretary of the Foreign Missions Industrial Association in 1905-06. In 1907 he became connected with the United States Census Bureau in Washington. In theology he is liberal-orthodox. He has written Turkey and the Armenian Atrocities (Philadelphia, 1896); The Turk in Armenia, Crete, and Greece (1896); and Concise History of Missions (Chicago, 1897).

« Bliss, Daniel Bliss, Edwin Munsell Bliss, Frederick Jones »
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